Mentee resources

Explore our mentee resources to help you get the most out of the free mentorship scheme.

Read these resources to help get the most out of your relationship with your mentor. Discover how to structure the mentorship effectively, including how to conduct meetings and how to set and track progress to goals.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a style of mentoring that relies on questioning, listening, challenging and providing feedback to the individual.

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Career planning for mentees

Career planning and management involves the conscious mapping out of professional goals and the actions that need to be taken to reach those goals.

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What questions should I ask my product mentor?

In this blog post, we'll explore some key questions that can help you gain valuable insights and advice from your mentor, as well as provide tips on how to make the most of your mentorship experience.

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The importance of feedback

When done effectively and constructively, feedback can be motivating and inspiring, and can offer concrete examples of how the mentee should continue or amend their actions.

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Mentor and mentee expectations

f you are looking to take part in the scheme, we recommend you read these guidelines to ensure you are able to give what is required to make the mentorship a success.

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How to conduct the first mentorship meeting

This guide should be accessed by both the mentor and the mentee prior to the first meeting.

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Goal setting template

Most of the discussion that you will have with your mentor is centred around your individual goals for the partnership.

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Setting SMART goals

The more understanding you have of your own goals and motivations, the more specific you will be in defining what you want to accomplish via a mentoring relationship.

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Additional resources by Intelligent People

We have an extended library of posts on our Intelligent People Blog. We have curated relevant resources here for quick access.

Partner Up product mentorship

Discover more about our free product mentorship scheme by downloading our overview brochure:

– How does mentorship work?

– What are the roles and expectations of a mentor / mentee?

– What does a good mentorship partnership look like?

– What resources are available?

Mentor Support

If you have a support request or general feedback on the site or the Mentorship process, please add your message. The form will capture the current page URL but please include additional detail to help us resolve your issue.

We will endeavour to respond within 3 working days.