How to conduct the first mentorship meeting

This guide should be accessed by both the mentor and the mentee prior to the first meeting.

We’re glad that you have decided to be involved in Intelligent People’s Partner Up mentorship programme.

To help get you started, we have compiled a document to give you an outline on how to conduct your first mentorship meeting. This guide should be accessed by both the mentor and the mentee prior to the first meeting.

The first mentorship meeting

This document will include suggested areas to cover in this mentorship:

  • The introductory meeting should help the mentor and mentee to get to know each other better. This could include current job role, company, skill sets, career to-date etc.
  • The mentor and mentee should establish realistic and achievable top-line goals for the mentorship These top-line goals should be recorded within this document.
  • An in-depth action plan for goals should be completed after this meeting using the ‘goal setting template‘. All goals set should be SMART goals.
  • The mentee and mentor should agree the scope of the mentorship; how often meetings will take place, the channel of communication preferred (face-to-face / virtual) and when is suitable. The length of each meeting should also be agreed.
  • The length of the mentorship / number of mentorship sessions should be agreed at this initial meeting.
  • The mentor and mentee should confirm they have both read the mentorship expectations document, and agree to their roles and responsibilities as detailed.

Mentor Support

If you have a support request or general feedback on the site or the Mentorship process, please add your message. The form will capture the current page URL but please include additional detail to help us resolve your issue.

We will endeavour to respond within 3 working days.